Sunday 7 February 2016

WEEK 7 Portrait: Faceless

Tell someone's story without showing their face.

This week I was lucky to be around for the annual Inbolc festival in Marsden, that stems back from its Gaelic/Pagan history.   The purpose of the festival is that Spring fights Jack Frost, literally fighting away Winter.  

The procession starts with Jack Frost minions marching the crowds up to an open field where performers show their skills with Fire Poi (in many ways it is a fire festival.)

This photo is of one of his menacing minions.  I thought the mask was brilliant, and I was lucky to get the picture I did considering there were  a lot more professional photographers there than me, and the crowd was crazy.

I wanted to take a few pictures of the fight, which I did, but unfortunately it was pissing it down, and the performers were far away, but no matter, the experience was great as it was.

Note: Arguably you could say I cheated as he's wearing a mask, but hey, it looks cool, ok?

Other note: Here's an actual 'faceless portrait' that has more action, and probably more tailored to the assignment. It's just as interesting as Jack Frost's minion.

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