Tuesday 8 March 2016

WEEK 8 Landscape: Panorama

This is a great opportunity to explore panorama stitching and create a wide sweeping landscape. 

Fuck Panoramics, They are hard as fuck.

After getting a less than average photo that almost looked like it could be cropped together I gave in and took a shot upon Castle Hill.

Admittedly, I've had photographers block recently, after trying real hard to get a decent shadow pic (more on that later.)

Sorry it's a bit plain and dull but I wanted to power through and if it means on shit panoramic then fuck it!

Other notes: This was actually a lot larger, but my fucking shadow got caught in the shot and the place was swarming with people.

In the next blog: Less swearing!  But while we're here, fuck Panoramics. Fuck them with a pointy stick.

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